What is Girlfriends Unlimited?
Women today are looking for fresh and fun ways to connect with other women and with Jesus. Sure, you've offered Bible studies and an occasional tea or retreat, but they want something new and different. Something relevant and relational that meets them where they are.Girlfriends Unlimited is that new approach to women's ministry. It looks different, sounds different, and feels different. It casts a new vision for reaching and connecting women in the church, one that is filled with fun and energy. Watch women giggle again and again! Watch them grow spiritually and emotionally and live with purpose and significance.
Girlfriends Unlimited centers on bringing women together in casual, fun settings so that they can meet new friends or are comfortable bringing old friends. It offers over-the-top themed events called G! Events where women might play games, experience pampering, or find entertainment (why not hire a comedian?). Or they may engage in helpful demonstrations (maybe the three top self-defense techniques) or create crafts. No matter what, it's good ol' fashioned fun!
Girlfriends Unlimited also offers smaller, monthly "Girlfriends' Night Out" experiences that gather the women in your group together to connect with one another.
To offer women the chance to develop friendships in a smaller setting, many Girlfriends Unlimited Connections have G! Groups. These are shared-interest groups that focus on activities like hiking, scrapbooking, movies, cooking, and so on. G! Groups often commit to giving back to the community through projects such as hiking to raise money for cancer research, making quilts for babies in the hospital, or providing meals for someone in need.
It's fun with a purpose!
To read more about the mission of Girlfriends Unlimited or to find out how YOU can start a Girlfriends Unlimited group, please visit www.girlfriendsunlimited.com!